Caring for an injured animal

The following information is for those with a sanctuary permit. Keeping a wild animal in captivity without a permit issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (formerly the Ministère de la Faune, des Forêts et des Parcs) is illegal and punishable by fine. A native animal living in a citizen’s home without a permit could be seized and euthanized.

The information provided and the uses of the medications listed in this section are based on our personal experience of what works best for us at this time or have been recommended by veterinarians or other shelters or sanctuaries with experience with wildlife. We strongly recommend that you consult with your veterinarian when making decisions about medications, dosages and techniques used to treat a wild animal. The authors assume no responsibility and give no guarantee for the results obtained by following these dosages, information or uses. We cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from misinterpretation or error on the part of the publication or the user.

If you wish to open your own shelter, please consult our page on how to open your own wildlife rehabilitation shelter in Quebec.