How to care for an orphan

How to take care of an orphan

The following information is for those with a sanctuary permit. Keeping a wild animal in captivity without a permit issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (formerly the Ministère de la Faune, des Forêts et des Parcs) is illegal and punishable by fine. A native animal living in a citizen’s home without a permit could be seized and euthanized.

The information provided and the uses of the medications listed in this section are based on our personal experience of what works best for us at this time or have been recommended by veterinarians or other shelters or sanctuaries with experience with wildlife. We strongly recommend that you consult with your veterinarian when making decisions about medications, dosages and techniques used to treat a wild animal. The authors assume no responsibility and give no guarantee for the results obtained by following these dosages, information or uses. We cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from misinterpretation or error on the part of the publication or the user.

If you wish to open your own shelter, please consult our page on how to open your own wildlife rehabilitation shelter in Quebec.

The first contact is usually made by telephone with the person who found the orphan. Telephone counseling can solve problems, save lives, and prevent the kidnapping of “baby wildlife.

First get the person’s name, address and phone number, then ask the following questions:

  1. Where is the animal now? Is it safe?
  2. When was the animal found?
  3. Where was the animal found?
  4. Did he offer food? Did the animal eat any food? If so, what and how much?
  5. Who manipulated him? What kind of contacts? What was the extent of the contact (minutes, days)?
  6. Were gloves worn or other protection used to avoid direct contact?

Ask if it is possible that the animal has suffered a cat attack. If this is the case, the animal must be treated with antibiotics because cats have extremely toxic bacteria in their saliva.

Often, a citizen will call you or a veterinarian’s office for information about raising wild babies. Please do not provide information that would make a caller feel qualified to care for the animal. If a caller has a wild animal in their possession, ask them to bring the animal to you immediately or to another qualified facility.

If the person seems determined to care for a feral baby, your job is to explain why this is unrealistic, dangerous, and illegal.

  • A baby wild animal that is now soft and cuddly will grow into an adult wild animal with strong defense and survival instincts. As wild animals mature sexually, their hormones give them a strong impulse to procreate.
  • When frustrated, captive animals usually become aggressive.
  • A wild animal in captivity will be unhappy and a potential danger to humans and domestic animals.
  • Wild animals can carry parasites that can be transmitted to humans. Some diseases are also transmissible to humans (e.g. rabies).
  • Young babies need to be stimulated to urinate and defecate. This increases the custodian’s risk of exposure to disease and parasites.

As a last resort, explain that it is illegal for the public to keep wild animals except to rescue and transport the animal to a rehabilitator or veterinarian. Keeping the animal can result in a heavy fine and the animal can be confiscated and euthanized.

Most animals in distress need warmth, but wild babies cannot survive without it. Babies with closed eyes cannot thermoregulate and need an additional heat source to maintain their ambient temperature between 29.4 C° and 35 C°. 

Older babies or severely compromised juveniles may also need an extra source of warmth, even during examination and feeding. 

Newborns need 32.2 C° to 35 C° . Babies a few weeks old with their eyes still closed need temperatures of 29.4 C° to 32.2 C° . Once babies’ eyes are open, you can gradually lower the temperature to room temperature. Extreme or fluctuating temperatures can cause stress and weaken a healthy baby or even lead to the death of a weakened baby. The optimal choice for providing constant room heat to a baby is with an incubator.

Babies can also be warmed with a heating pad set on the lowest setting and never in direct contact with the animal. Check the container and the animal often to ensure that it is not too hot or too cold.

**For small males, you may see inflammation of the genital area


Swollen, red, inflamed, enlarged genitals, especially the penis.
Crusts, swellings or scabs that may prevent the flow of urine

Common causes :

  • The sucking reflex is very strong. Babies who have been without their mothers for a while may have suckled or suckled themselves to satisfy their thirst or need to suckle.
  • Inadequate or incorrect formula
  • Feeding is too infrequent
  • The quantities in the formula are too small
  • Babies have different levels of need to suck.
  • Some babies suckle as a comfort device.
  • Some babies can suckle while teething.
  • Once the penis is irritated, sucking temporarily relieves the discomfort but increases the problem.

Possible treatment to prevent the problem:

  • If the feeding is adequate (the right formula, the right frequency, the right amounts) and he still needs to suckle, you can dilute the formula so that there is more volume or you can offer plain water between meals.
  • Offer the baby a pacifier (many people make homemade pacifiers with no holes etc.) Sometimes the baby will suck on his own and separation is not possible.
  • Apply bitter apple or Yuck® around the area.

(Do not put the product directly on the raw area, it can sting a sore penis)

  • Make a cozy bag for the baby so that the genitals are out of reach. Use a cotton jersey or baby sock with the tip cut off.
  • Offer seedless orange segments as an alternative nursery.
  • Offer interesting items to keep babies busy and entertained.

Possible treatment of genitalia :

  • Wash the area with a mild antibacterial scrub.
  • If there is a crust, soak and gently remove the crust. Swelling and crusting of the foreskin (skin covering the penis) can block the flow of urine and cause bladder and kidney problems. Make sure the baby can urinate at every feeding. If the swelling is too great, the opening may be too narrow to allow normal urine flow.

The bladder may need to be emptied. Consult your veterinarian. This may only be necessary once or twice until the swelling goes down. There may be tissue blocking the opening. Babies who cannot empty their bladders completely should be given oral antibiotics to prevent urinary tract infections.

It is best to assume that any wild baby presented to you is suffering from some degree of dehydration.

The symptoms of dehydration:

  • Lethargy
  • dry sunken eyes
  • sticky mucous membranes
  • poor skin elasticity.

The skin pinch test in some young babies is not in itself a good indicator of dehydration. Young animals like squirrels have loose skin. The skin of squirrels with closed eyes will tighten even under normal conditions. You will need to rely on other symptoms to determine dehydration.

Even if your baby seems healthy and responsive, and even if you know the baby has only been away from the mother for a short time, always treat him or her with rehydration fluids. This makes it easy for the baby to switch to the new formula you are about to give him.

Babies with dehydration should not be fed until rehydration has been completed for 24 hours or depending on the degree of dehydration. Giving food on a regular basis can actually cause his system to shut down and die.

The rehydration process itself can continue for 3 or 4 days. It is a mistake to stop the rehydration process too early. The animal can survive but it will be much more difficult for him.

Determine the percentage of dehydration of the animal:

Less than 5%.

  • (gums and inside of the mouth) The gums are not sunken. the inside of the mouth is normal, not
  • The eyes are normal, dry.


  • There will be a slight dryness of the mucous membranes
  • The eyes are slightly sunken.


  • The mucous membranes will be dry, red and sticky.
  • The eyes are sunken.

12% and more

  • Very dry mucous membranes.
  • The eyes are strongly sunken.
  • The skin pinched lightly between the fingers will return to its normal position in less than a second.
  • Mild to moderate. Signs of vomiting or diarrhea.
  • There may be very little urine.
  • The skin returns to its original position in 2-5 seconds.
  • The animal may be lethargic.
  • Increased episodes of vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Weak pulse
  • Urine is not very abundant
  • The skin is back in place in >5 seconds.
  • Depressed animal
  • Excessive vomiting or diarrhea
  • The skin does not return but remains in a tented form or is so tight against the body that it cannot be lifted.
  • No urine

If the animal is not dehydrated, use rehydration fluids in normal amounts. Rehydration solution helps reduce shock, is easy to digest and is a good transition fluid from breast milk to formula, or from any food consumed in the wild to what the animal will be fed while you are caring for it.

Decide on the best way to rehydrate the baby

The method you choose will also help you decide which moisturizer to use. Ringer’s milk solution, which can be obtained from your veterinarian, can be used for all methods and is our personal choice. Pedialyte® and homemade salt, sugar and water solutions and commercial products similar to Pedialyte® are for oral use only. These solutions are intended for rehydration and not for long-term use.

Types of fluids

Rehydration fluids can be isotonic, hypertonic or hypotonic. Solutions that match the salt concentration of normal body fluids are called isotonic. These have the same “tone” of body fluids. Anything more concentrated or diluted will have a destabilizing effect on all cells and fluids in the body.

Solutions with higher concentrations are hypertonic (LRS with 5% dextrose, flavored pediatrics). Those with lower concentrations are hypotonic like carbohydrate-free sports drinks.

If the animal is severely dehydrated, isotonic fluids such as LRS, Normosol-R, or normal saline (NACL) are the best choices because they will not draw fluid out of the body’s cells. Once initial hydration and fluid balance are restored, a hypertonic solution (LRS with dextrose) can be used for the maintenance phase of rehydration. Once initial hydration and fluid balance are restored, a hypertonic solution (LRS with dextrose) can be used for the maintenance phase of rehydration. For a moderately to slightly dehydrated animal, a hypertonic solution such as lactated Ringer’s with 5% dextrose.

This can be purchased already prepared by Abbott.

Oral fluids

This method reduces stress levels and is the best way to quickly introduce fluids into a failing system. If the baby accepts fluids by mouth, your job is easy. Use a syringe with a soft nipple attached and give a measured, warmed amount, determined by the baby’s weight and condition. If you are hydrating a healthy baby, use regular feeding amounts. If the baby doesn’t understand what you’re doing, he may struggle and refuse to drink. If he is alert and able to swallow but not cooperating with syringe feeding, you may decide to tube feed him for the first few feedings. You will need to learn this technique from an experienced veterinarian or rehabber. Do not use the oral method if the animal is convulsing or unresponsive.

Oral fluids can be either commercial solutions such as Pedialyte® or Lactated Ringer’s Solution, or homemade solutions made from salt, sugar and water.
1 liter of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix well.

Subcutaneous fluids* (discuss with your veterinarian)

Subcutaneous is a medical term that means under or to be introduced under the skin. Sometimes a dehydrated animal will not take anything by mouth. He or she may be frightened, confused, nauseous, weak or have injuries that make it difficult or uncomfortable to drink. Giving subcutaneous fluids requires less animal handling and less cooperation. A warm rehydration fluid is injected under the skin and the animal absorbs the fluid into its system. Although the introduction of fluids into the animal is rapid in this manner, the fluid is absorbed more slowly than it would be if it were fed by mouth or through a tube introduced into the stomach and absorbed directly from the intestine. If the baby is taking only a small amount by mouth, give fluids subcutaneously as well. Often both methods are used. If you have never given subcutaneous injections before, ask a veterinarian or experienced rehabilitator to show you how. There are other rehydration methods used by veterinarians, but most shelters do not have the equipment or expertise to do them at home.

The Shortcut Method for Determining Replacement Fluids As presented by Erica Miller, DVM at the 2004 NYSWRC Conference These quantities should be administered in addition to the maintenance fluids.

  • Day 1: Give 3.3% of the animal’s initial body weight three times over the first 24 hours
  • Day 2: Give 2.5% three times a day for the next 2-3 days.
  • Day 3 or 4: At this stage, the animal must be rehydrated. If the animal has ongoing fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), additional fluids may need to be administered.

Switch from rehydrating fluid to nutritive formula

Once the animal has been rehydrated for 24 hours, you can start introducing the formula gradually.

  • Start with ¼ of formula (nutrient formula depending on the animal) to ¾ of rehydration fluid for a feeding or two



(1/4 of the formula being 1 part KMR powder to two parts water) + 3/4 of rehydration liquid (e.g. pedialyte).

  • Then move on to ½ formula and ½ rehydrating fluid
  • Then switch to ¾ of formula and ¼ of rehydrating fluid
  • Finally, a complete formula

Move on to the next step when you see that the baby is tolerating the new formula. The animal must be able to digest the formula without problems such as loose stools or diarrhea. This is a gentle way to introduce the new formula into the baby’s system. This transition should take a day or two.

Quantities to be fed and frequency of feeding

Weigh the animal using a gram scale. We recommend using the 5% rule to decide how much to feed a baby mammal. The maximum comfortable capacity of the stomach is about 5-7% of body weight. If, for example, a baby squirrel weighs 100 grams, you will find 5% of 100, which is equivalent to 5. This indicates that 5 cc or 5 ml would be a good amount to feed an animal of this weight. The animal may not eat this amount during the first few feedings, but you know that the animal needs about this amount to provide adequate nutrition to its body.

Decide on the correct formula

Thanks to wildlife nutritionists, we can now feed our babies formula that is very close to their own mother’s milk and provides them with nutritional values close to what they would get from their own mothers. Currently, there are two main suppliers of milk replacement formulas for wild animals: Pet-Ag, Inc. and Fox Valley. PetAg® products include Esbilac, KMR, Multi-Milk, GME and Zoologic Milk Matrixes.

Esbilac is a milk substitute for puppies. KMR is a milk substitute for kittens. Multi-Milk Powder is designed to be used with the other substitutes when a richer formula is needed. Esbilac goat milk (GME) is recommended only for animals that are allergic or cannot digest other choices. Although it is easier to digest, it simply does not have the nutritional value that others do. Some rehabbers routinely choose goat’s milk substitute for all their animals or use real goat’s milk. We do not recommend it for long-term feeding as the protein and fat content is too low for most species.

The original products were made available as Zoologic Milk Matrix blends.

They have been assigned numbers: the first number refers to the percentage of protein and the second number refers to the fat content. Each species needs specific dietary values for proper growth. Some species will require a combination of formulas to be as close to breast milk as possible.

Zoologic 42/25 is similar to KMR (40/27)
Zoologic 33/40 is similar to Esbilac (33/40) and
Zoologic 30/55 is exactly the same as Multi-Lait

Some people make their choices because of the ease of mixing, others because of the price.

We believe that poor results with one product or another are often due to external factors, such as improper storage and high temperatures during shipping.

There are so many variables in the preparation of the formula…water quality, measurement techniques, mixing and storage methods, and these variables affect the quality of the formula made from the powders. In addition, animals from different regions or even from the same litters may have different nutritional needs.

Think carefully about your choice. If the formula you are using is making your baby sick or weak, try something else.

But please don’t use homemade formulas. The nutritional value may be insufficient for the baby’s needs and may cause long-term health problems. Soy-based formulas are not suitable for wildlife and can cause health problems for your wild babies.


Colostrum is the milk produced by the mother during the first days of a baby’s life. It contains important components, such as protein and calories, that contribute to a healthy gut microflora and nutrient absorption. It also provides antibodies to protect the baby.

Younger babies benefit from adding colostrum to their formula. In older babies, the antibodies are not absorbed, but other elements provided by the colostrum are important. Studies using bovine (cow) colostrum on dogs under two years of age have shown that colostrum can benefit older juveniles in the following ways:

  • Increased diversity of gut microflora, which reduces the risk of bacterial pathogens invading the gastrointestinal tract
  • Improves the mucosal barrier Gl which helps neutralize potential pathogens and stabilize the intestinal microfiore
  • Reduces the risk of gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea caused by stress
  • Improves the overall immune system

Thus, it appears that bovine colostrum would benefit orphaned wild animals in the same way.


Beneficial bacteria (probiotics) can be added to formulas and fluids to help establish and maintain the proper microbial balance in the intestinal tract. This is available in paste form or powders. Powders mix well in formulas and may be easier for small animals to swallow. Bene-Bac® products are from Pet Ag and LA 200 is from Fox Valley. Lactobacillus and acidophilus can be purchased at a health food store.

Nutrical, Nutristat, Energel, Enervite are all nutritional supplements, concentrated high-calorie pastes for more energy and strength, and to stimulate appetite recovery.

Feeding frequency (see the table of animals)

Intestine and bladder

***Baby wild mammals that are still too young to have their eyes open must be stimulated at each feeding to urinate and defecate.

If this is done before each meal, the results can become an important diagnostic tool. Use soft cloths soaked in warm water and rub the genital area. Use quick but gentle movements. This should be done even if there are signs in the litter or on the fur that the animal has shed some of its own. If the baby is not stimulated and the bladder is not completely emptied, the baby may develop a urinary tract infection or suffer damage to the bladder or kidneys. Most mammals urinate and defecate on their own shortly after opening their eyes. You may want to stimulate them even after they have begun to eliminate on their own. This keeps the bedding fresh longer, saves on laundry, and babies won’t smell like urine.

The baby may not produce stool for several days after arriving at the shelter, especially if he or she is dehydrated. Often, the first stools are very dark, black or almost black. This is to be expected when an animal arrives dehydrated. Do not panic! The first stool reflects what happened before the baby reached the shelter. If the stomach is soft, everything is fine. If the abdomen becomes hard and the baby does not produce stools, there may be a problem with constipation or bloating.

Black stools with the appearance of coffee grounds may indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract due to trauma or illness.

The stool should be well formed. If so, follow your chosen liquid feeding program. If stools are loose or diarrhea is present, you will need to determine the cause and adjust treatment and feedings accordingly. After the baby has been drinking formula for several days, the stool will be golden yellow.

Feeding the baby

*Your tools ready

  • Gram scale
  • A good light
  • Pen and paper to record weights and other relevant information
  • Tissues, paper towels
  • Soft and warm linen to wrap the baby in
  • Extra clean wipes to wash the baby and change the baby’s bedding
  • Hot water
  • Formula
  • Feeding tools, syringe caps
  • Bottle or syringe warmer
  • Litter garbage can or garbage bag

Syringes are the most common choice of feeding tool for very young, very small babies or for the first feeding. They are available in many styles and sizes and can be used with different accessories to make feeding easier for you and the baby. In addition, the syringes allow you to give the baby a precise, measured amount of formula and clearly see how much the baby has taken. A syringe allows you to control the flow of preparation and helps reduce the incidence of aspiration. A very small baby or earling (baby without fur usually less than a week old) should be fed with a 1 cc syringe.

Start older babies with a 1 cc or 3 cc syringe. A small syringe will deliver fluids more slowly than a large one using the same pressure. Choose a larger syringe size as the amount of formula increases. If the baby aspirates, go back to using smaller syringes.
Pet and human bottles are only recommended for larger species, such as raccoons, porcupines and beavers, and only for older babies, or once the baby is used to drinking from a syringe.

Mix the formula ahead of time to allow air bubbles to settle.

You can have syringes already filled with formula placed in warm water or you can have a container of heated formula and fill each syringe as needed.

Wrap the baby in a soft cloth

This keeps him warm while he nurses, makes the baby feel more secure and gives you more control over his movements. It is especially helpful to wrap a restless baby whose legs are always in the way of the syringe. It is natural to want to hold the baby as you would hold a human baby. Don’t do it!

Most wild babies nurse from their mothers by resting on their bellies or sitting facing them, not on their backs. A baby who is fed in a supine position will be at greater risk of aspiration.

Most baby mammals feel comfortable when they are positioned on their stomachs with their bodies tilted at an angle of about 45 degrees. Support the midsection so that the back is not arched in an unnatural position. Support the feet with your hand, the bandage or on a table. The animal will feel insecure and uncomfortable with its legs dangling in the air.

Hold the baby firmly, and be careful where you place your fingers. Keep your fingernails trimmed short to reduce the possibility of scratching or poking babies. Place the pacifier in the baby’s mouth. It does not need to be placed too far away. Hold the end of the plunger and push a small amount of formula at a time, letting the baby swallow between pushes. Observe the baby to see what his sucking rhythm is and try to adapt to it. If the plunger is not well retained, babies who suckle hard can suck up the formula.

Most babies have a natural sucking reflex. A newly admitted baby may not suckle well for the first few days. Stroking the side of the face, neck or back can often stimulate the sucking response and help babies accept a new feeding method or taste.

If you are having trouble getting babies to accept feeds, remember that they are scared and usually don’t feel very well when they arrive. Be patient with them. It may take several feedings before they realize that feedings are a good thing.

Using a syringe instead of a human bottle allows the baby to taste the formula immediately. The sucking action on a bottle is different from the mother’s breastfeeding and it usually takes several feedings for the baby to adjust to a bottle.

Open mouth

There is a style of breastfeeding that you can see while the wild babies are nursing. It is common in squirrels, raccoons and some other species. It is called by many names, “trance nursing, flat tongue nursing, open mouth nursing”. This is what happens when a baby who is suckling well suddenly opens his mouth and flattens his tongue. Because the mouth always makes the same sucking movements, the baby always thinks he is sucking.

This is not a crisis. It’s normal for a baby to be relaxed during a breastfeeding session or for a baby to have fallen into a light sleep. He will start sucking on the nipple again if you touch his tongue or the side of his mouth, or if the milk stops flowing onto his tongue.

Inhalation of the formula

The inhalation of the formula is also called “aspiration” or “squeaking”. Instead of flowing down the throat, the formula is inhaled into the nasal passages and through the nose. Some of the formula can reach the lungs and cause aspiration pneumonia.

Babies who develop respiratory symptoms should be treated with antibiotics. We found Amoxicillin® or Clavamox® to be inexpensive and effective. Do not use any medication from the penicillin family or any medication ending in cillin or mycine with rabbits. When giving antibiotics, give the baby beneficial Gl bacteria (give an hour after or on an empty stomach before subsequent feedings). Continue probiotics for several days after a course of antibiotics to restore the intestinal flora.

One of the main causes of diarrhea in baby mammals is overfeeding. The 5% rule gives you a rough idea of the amount per meal and you need to adjust for individual differences. Some baby mammals will continue to suckle as long as you allow them to, so you need to decide how much and how often.

If the pet still seems hungry after a feeding, feed him a little more and see if he is well tolerated. The stomach should be full, but still soft. It should not be hard and stretched like a balloon. If you start to see very loose or soft stools or diarrhea, reduce the amount of formula at the next feeding. Another sign of overeating is light-colored stools, such as pale yellow, beige or white.

Most newborns need to be fed as often as 8 to 10 times a day to get the nutrition they need. They can only take small amounts at each feeding, so more feedings are needed. They may need to be fed overnight and will benefit from an extra supply of rehydration fluids each day as they dehydrate very quickly. If you can’t do this, take the animal to another shelter that can. Babies that are just starting to grow fur should be fed about every 3 hours. See table for formula, quantities and frequency.

Underfed babies may have infrequent, hard, dark stools. The baby will not gain weight. Be sure to weigh daily and record weights.


Constipation is characterized by hard or infrequent stools, straining or crying during defecation. Although this condition in the mild stages is not life-threatening, it can make the baby uncomfortable.

Common Causes:

  • Lack of food intake
  • Undernourishment
  • Dehydration
  • An overly concentrated formula.
  • Do not stimulate the baby to defecate regularly
  • Inappropriate foods
  • Stress

Possible treatments:

  • Rehydrate the animal. Providing extra fluids helps relieve constipation.
  • Check the proportions of water and dry formula. Moisture can make formula powders more compact and dense, resulting in a more concentrated formula.
  • Give a dose of mineral oil orally, at a rate of 2 to 5 ml per kilogram. If this does not work, do not repeat.
  • Another option is Laxatone® which contains petroleum jelly and is used as a hairball treatment for cats. This product acts as a lubricant to help evacuate fecal matter. Lactulose (Enulose®) is another product that helps soften stools.
  • Consider adding probiotics, Lactaid® or enzymes to help the gastrointestinal tract. The best time to give probiotics is on an empty stomach.
  • For older babies, consider adding fiber such as pumpkin, Metamucil®, high-fiber cereal or applesauce to the diet.
  • A warm water enema can also be administered with a small feeding tube and syringe. Be sure to lubricate the tip with Vaseline or KY Jelly. Just give a little warm water, then stimulate the baby to defecate.


Babies don’t usually arrive at your shelter bloated. Someone usually causes this condition. Any condition caused by the caregiver is called an iatrogenic disorder. Bloating is an accumulation of gas or stool. This is an indication that the gastrointestinal tract is not working or not working well. Bloating can kill.


  • The animal does not produce feces.
  • It can be difficult, crying and obviously uncomfortable.
  • The stomach may be tight and stretched or may feel spongy instead of soft.
  • The animal is probably suffering.

Common Causes:

  • Supercharging
  • Feeding a cold baby
  • Feeding a cold formula
  • Sudden change of regime without transition
  • Changes in diet
  • Feeding the wrong formula
  • Feeding a spoiled formula
  • Internal parasite
  • Constipation
  • Formula intolerance (Try enzymes to help digest lactose)
  • Feeding large quantities instead of more frequent and smaller meals
  • Using contaminated water or equipment
  • Excessive air swallowing
  • Immunities
  • Infection or illness
  • Internal abnormalities such as a genetic defect resulting in an inability to digest properly

Possible treatments:

  1. Make sure the animal is warm
  2. Once you have identified the bloating, stop feeding until it is resolved.
  3. Stimulate the baby to urinate, defecate or pass gas. Place the baby in warm water up to the chest and massage the belly for about 5 minutes. To massage, place thumb and index finger on either side of the baby. Starting under the arms and using light pressure, slide your fingers down the sides to the hip area. The idea is to stimulate motility and ensure that any gas moving downward is expelled. Keep the baby warm. Dry gently with a soft cloth. (Do not use a hair dryer, as the noise and blowing sensation can cause stress and further compromise the baby).
  4. Repeat the process every half hour and let the baby rest between massages. If after soaking the problem does not resolve, do not give up.

Another option is to lay the baby on his or her stomach on a warm heating pad and gently massage the sides. The advantage of this method is that the baby does not run the risk of getting cold.
For mild cases, use a carefully measured dose of infant simethicone® to relieve some of the pain and distress caused by gas.

Once the bloating is resolved, try to identify the cause to ensure that it does not recur.

Metaclopramide (Reglan®, Maxolon®) may increase motility in the upper gastrointestinal tract. (1 mg/ml oral solution) or Ranitidine (2-5 mg/kg po q 12 hours).
For pain management, Meloxicam 0. 1-0.2mg/kg can be administered once daily 60 Effects last between 12 and 24 hours.

The bloating is very painful. Bloating is not usually seen in older babies.

Once the seizure is over, offer the baby rehydration fluids.


Diarrhea may be characterized by frequent loose, unformed or watery stools that may contain mucus or blood. Stools that have a soft or pudding-like consistency are not necessarily signs of diarrhea. A single loose or watery stool is not a symptom of diarrhea. Loose stools may be normal for that particular animal. Diet is also a contributing factor to stool formation.


  • Frequent bowel movements
  • Liquid stools that occur in cycles
  • Mucus or blood with feces
  • Fecal matter, odor or matted fur around the anus
  • Dehydration
  • Pain caused by cramping or tissue irritation
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Prolapse

Common causes of diarrhea:

  • Inappropriate food or too much food.
  • The baby may have eaten something inappropriate on its own.
  • The animal may be intolerant or allergic to certain foods and not be able to digest them.
  • The baby may have eaten something poisonous or toxic.
  • The baby’s mother may have been ill or the baby may have been breastfeeding a deceased mother.
  • The baby can be stressed!
  • There may be a viral disease, bacterial infection, protozoan diseases or endoparasites causing gastrointestinal disorders.
  • There may be an obstruction due to a foreign object or a twist due to an injury.

Animals may arrive with diarrhea present or diarrhea may occur several days later due to any of the above causes.

A fecal test is a quick and inexpensive way to determine certain causes of diarrhea, such as endoparasites, certain bacteria and certain protozoa. If you find a pest, treat it accordingly. This may or may not be the cause of the diarrhea, but should be treated immediately.

If you don’t know the cause of the diarrhea, you should always provide aggressive supportive care with rigorous rehydration. Untreated diarrhea will lead to dehydration and sometimes death.

There are two main reasons for deworming animals. The first: Protect them from intestinal worms. The second is to protect you and your family from parasite contamination. Some animals of the fauna are carriers of parasites very dangerous for the man so this step is not to be taken lightly.

List of dewormers used:


Ivomec® Promectin

Ivermectin is used to eliminate internal parasites. It is effective against most common intestinal worms (except tapeworms and whipworms). It is excellent for treating scabies mites and ear mites, larval heartworms (but not adult heartworms) and some lice. It is also effective against fleas and ticks. Ivermectin has been used with good results to treat maggots that have entered an animal.

Form: Injectable (1%, 0.27%) and paste*.

Strength: 1% Injection is 10 mg/ml. When dosing small animals (squirrels, rabbits, young opossums), it should be diluted further. Larger animals (older opossums, foxes, etc.) can be administered at full strength

Frequency: This medication is usually given once and then repeated every 10 to 14 days. Discard dilutions after two weeks.

**For exact measurements contact your veterinarian.


Panacur®, Safe-guard® and

This product is used to eliminate and control roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, nematodes and tapeworms. It is also effective against giardia. Forms: drinkable suspension, paste, granules,

Dosage: 100 mg/ml as a suspension/ Dosage: 50 mg/kg (deer-10 mg/kg).

Frequency: SID for 3 to 5 days. Repeat the treatment in 2-3 weeks. When treating Giardia, for 5 to 10 days.

**For exact measurements contact your veterinarian.


Levasole @, Tramisol @

It is a broad spectrum parasiticide (hookworm, lungworm, roundworm and heartworm). Levamisole can be dosed at half the weight to stimulate the immune system.

Form : Injectable, tablets

Strength: 136.5 mg/mI undiluted. Make a 10% dilution by mixing 9 volumes of sterile water with 1 volume of levamisole. This gives a concentration of 13.6 mg/ml.

Dosage: 6.1 mg/kg

Frequency: It is the recommended dewormer for opossums. The National Opossum Society recommends deworming at intake for opossums over 200 grams. Repeat at 14 and 21 days for juveniles and adults.

The National Oppossum Society recommends injecting the medication rather than giving it by mouth because it will not be as effective on the immune system if given by mouth.

**For exact measurements contact your veterinarian.

We also recommend that you ask your doctor for a renewable prescription for deworming at least once a year.

When animals arrive at your shelter, we don’t know what viruses they have been exposed to or what they may be incubating. A baby who looks healthy may develop symptoms days or weeks after being admitted.

Optimally, babies less than 3-4 weeks old should be quarantined from older members of their species and from species that are vulnerable to the same diseases.

The best protection you can give babies is immunization against the common diseases seen in your area. Rehabilitation vaccination schedules should be similar to pet shelter vaccination schedules due to the much higher risk of disease. Vaccinating as early as possible gives babies lasting protection.

We never know when the next intake will harbor a deadly virus that will turn our rehab season into a nightmare. The mortality rate from feline parvo (feline panleukopenia), canine distemper and other parvo diseases is high.

The first dose and subsequent series of doses are based on the experience of pet shelters using the product (which is generally administered earlier than the label recommendation for animals not living in shelter environments) to protect their animals from outbreaks. There are many other vaccines available on the market that have not been mentioned, many of which protect against a multitude of diseases. If a disease such as leptospirosis is not prevalent in your area, you can choose a vaccine without it.

When there is a high risk of disease based on reports of sick animals in your geographic area, animals must be vaccinated against these diseases upon admission. Waiting even one day can put the animal at risk. Most shelters will vaccinate animals before they are brought to the Center (even injured and slightly ill animals). Sick animals cannot be vaccinated and must be quarantined.

Vaccinating a sick animal can further weaken the immune system. The animal may not be able to develop an immune response at this time.

The choice of vaccine may be very different for the shelter that has one or two litters of animals versus the shelter that may have 15 to 50 animals of the same species in its facility.

Shelters that house one or two litters of raccoons where the incidence of disease in the wild population is low may feel comfortable choosing a killed virus vaccine (when available) since exposure to active disease is less risky and there is less concern about how long it will take for the animal to be protected after receiving the vaccine. Others receive new animals throughout the season, know that the disease is present in their area and need their animals protected as soon as possible, should choose a vaccine that can give them the protection they need.

Some vaccines (depending on the type of vaccine) provide protection within a few hours of administration, which can make a difference for the animals in your care. Each type of vaccine has advantages and disadvantages. In high-volume facilities such as shelters, modified or recombinant live vaccines may be more effective.

Vaccination offers the best protection against the disease, but is not a magic bullet.

Animals incubating a disease or animals that are extremely weak, stressed or starved may not be able to produce immunity.

In addition, it takes time (hours, days, sometimes weeks (depending on the vaccine) for the animal to develop immunity.

Types of Vaccines:

Modified live vaccine: (MLV) is a vaccine that contains virulent or attenuated virus particles to promote an immune response in the animal. It provides the animal with a faster and more effective immunity.

Attenuated vaccine: a vaccine containing weakened microorganisms.

These vaccines develop a more durable immunological response.


  • A single dose of MLV vaccine can provide protection
  • Provides relatively rapid onset of immunity (hours to days (5-7) and protection is long lasting
  • Better able to be effective in the presence of maternal antibodies
  • Can prevent disease
  • Can prevent the spread of the virus in the environment


  • Distemper vaccine can produce significant disease in severely immunocompromised animals (genetic immune suppression and Parvo infection).
  • Immunosuppression due to stress and poor nutrition is not thought to have shown an increase in vaccine-induced disease.
  • MLV vaccines can be inactivated by improper storage or handling

Feline panleukopenia and other parvovirus vaccines can cause death or illness in fetuses and babies under 4 weeks of age. Do not vaccinate pregnant animals with these vaccines.

Killed or inactivated vaccine: vaccine containing a killed virus. Killed vaccines often contain an adjuvant to boost the immune response. The killed virus is suitable for disease-free environments and pregnant animals. The rabies vaccine is always a killed vaccine.


  • Will not cause disease even in very young animals and pregnant females
  • More tolerant to mishandling and storage


  • An immune response to provide protection will not be acquired until 1-2 weeks after the administration of a booster vaccine 2 to 3 weeks after the initial vaccinations. This means that animals will not be protected until five weeks!

In facilities that care for a small number of animals and can keep litters quarantined from each other, this may not be as problematic as for shelters that care for a larger number of animals. Immune response may be shorter in duration compared to other vaccines

Adjuvants are generally required

Recombinant vaccine: this is a vaccine that combines the physiology of one microorganism with the DNA of another. This vaccine helps create immunity to diseases that have complex infectious processes. The FDA recognizes three types of recombinants. These vaccines may or may not contain an adjuvant.


  • Effective against merial distemper and offers rapid protection similar to MLV
  • Efficacy in the presence of maternal antibodies
  • No chance of inadvertently causing disease
  • Generally does not require additives


– More expensive

Rehabilitation conditions for wildlife;

  • a raccoon, striped skunk, fox, wolf or coyote must be vaccinated against rabies within one week of arrival at the rehabilitation site;
  • a fox, coyote, raccoon, striped skunk or white-tailed deer may not be transferred from the south shore of the St. Lawrence River to the north shore for rehabilitation or for release following rehabilitation;
  • a fox, coyote, raccoon, striped skunk or white-tailed deer may not be moved more than 75 km from the place of capture for rehabilitation, or for release following rehabilitation (this distance is increased to 150 km for an animal originating from certain areas in the northern part of the province, i.e. hunting zones 12 to 14, 16 to 19, 22 to 24, 28 and 29);
  • Before being released, a black bear must be identified with an ear tag.

IMPORTANT ******* Quantities

Weigh the animal using a gram scale. We recommend using the 5% rule to decide how much to feed a baby mammal. The maximum comfortable capacity of the stomach is about 5-7% of body weight. If, for example, a baby squirrel weighs 100 grams, you calculate 5% of 100, which equals 5. This indicates that 5 cc or 5 ml is a good amount to feed an animal of this weight. The animal may not drink this amount during the first few feedings, but you know that the animal needs about this amount to provide adequate nutrition to its body. calculate

Table of animals

The information contained in this page is based on  books written by veterinarians and specialists in North American wildlife. We recommend that you contact your veterinarian if you are unsure  of the information provided on this page. 

Information sources: *Wild Mammal Babies: The first 48 hours and beyond,  **NWRA Principles of wildlife rehabilitation 2nd edition

See also